village hall
Primary School
Stanton Harcourt Memorial and Millennium Hall
Our village hall continues to be used by lots of village organisations as well as by villagers for a whole range of events from dances and concerts to parties and weddings; dance, fitness and Zumba classes to badminton and Chinese Brush painting; touring theatre productions and pantomimes to meetings, discos and quizzes. It was great to host the Drama Group Panto again this year.
The hall has a wonderfully light and spacious main room with a smaller carpeted function room that opens out onto a private garden area. This has recently been enhanced by a complete redecoration. The main kitchen is well equipped for most functions and a smaller kitchen is also available. It makes an ideal venue for wedding receptions, Christenings, children’s parties and family celebrations.
Our Village Markets, which are held from 12-2pm on the 2nd Saturday in the month, provide a perfect opportunity to buy local produce, plants, crafts, jams, cakes, chutneys and meat. It has become a real community social event, with people enjoying freshly brewed coffee and home-baked cakes or home-made soup and rolls for lunch.
Why not use our facilities to get fit, be sociable and have fun!
Look out for details of events, market dates and other information on the Stanton Harcourt and Sutton Community or Villagers Other Voice Facebook page. Look as well on our website, .
The Village Hall is run by a small, friendly committee of volunteers – contact Jane Eagle (01865 880736) if you would like to join us! To book the Village Hall, contact Jane Eagle (01865 880736) or
Stanton Harcourt CE Primary School
Stanton Harcourt Church of England Primary School provides a happy, nurturing and supportive environment founded on the principles of the Christian faith.
The children in the school collaborated with the school community to create their school vision which is:
“We are a small school with a big heart”.
Our School Values are:
Care Respect Equality Achievement Trust Excellence
All members of our school community are valued in order that everyone can have a positive attitude towards themselves, others and life. Everyone works together to ensure that all of our children experience success and reach the highest possible standards of academic achievement, whilst nurturing their self belief enabling them to become proactive future citizens.
Tel: 01865 881948