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St. Michael’s Parish Church
St. Michael’s is one of four churches making up the Lower Windrush Benefice.
It is a lovely building dating from the 12th Century. Situated close to the Manor, it is a Grade I listed building with the oldest rood screen and some of the oldest stained glass in the country. Other notable features are the font, the medieval shrine of St Edburg and the 15th century chantry chapel of the Harcourt Family.
As you can imagine the upkeep of the Church is phenomenal, about £70 every day in fact. (This includes the Parish Share which we pay to the Diocese, electricity, insurance etc but not repairs to the fabric). We are really grateful to all those people who help to support us financially both during festival week and the rest of the year. We are especially grateful to those who contribute and subscribe to the Friends of Stanton Harcourt Church fund.
The Parish Church serves the whole community and has much to offer everyone. We have a monthly Sunday School, an informal all age worship service, a fortnightly Home Group in the Rectory, the Thursday Lunch Club for those who are house bound and many other events such as the Flower Festival, the Model and Engineering show, the small breakfast and other events advertised on the boards in Church. There is a strong connection between the Church and the village school with monthly school services in the Church and weekly assemblies by the Rector in school. There is also a free monthly news sheet you can pick up in the church. A very friendly welcome awaits you.
Service times are as follows:-
1st Sunday in the month: 9.30am Parish Communion & Sunday School
2nd Sunday: 10.30am Communion round the benefice
3rd Sunday: 9.30am All Age Worship
6.00pm Taizé Meditation service
4th Sunday: 8.00am Holy Communion
5th Sunday: 10.30am Communion round the benefice
For further information please contact............
You can also visit our website at
Sutton Methodist Church
We hold our services on the first three Sundays of the month at 10.00am. Afterwards there is coffee and biscuits and a chance to chat.
Our worship is led by visiting lay preachers except for once a month when we celebrate Holy Communion with our minister Rev. Rose Westwood. If you would like further information regarding chapel services please contact Rita Stockhill.
A lively Fellowship meets at the chapel on Sunday afternoons at 2.30pm.
We hold a Coffee Morning on the first Wednesday of every month from 10.00 – 11.30am. Come along and enjoy a coffee and a chat.
A drop in knitting group meet every Monday between 10.30 and 12.30. Bring your knitting, sewing, crochet or just come for a chat and a coffee.
The Sutton Singers choir meet on Tuesday evenings (term time only) 7.00 – 8.30pm. Come along and join this light-hearted group of singers.